Investigation of some physiological, biochemica characteristics and multiple antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from wound samples


  • Hasanain Ahmed Enad Obaid Department of Biology, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Çankiri Karatekin University, Cankiri, Turkey


Staphylococcus aureus, antibiotic resistance, biochemical properties, burns and wounds


In this study, carried out at Baghdad University, it was aimed to determine the optimum antibiotics that will affect Staphylococcus aureus infection and live contaminated microorganisms, which cause different disease problems in Iraqi patients who have been exposed to various burns and injuries. For this purpose, about 100 samples were collected from these patients, who were in different age ranges and had various injuries and burn wounds, and were transferred to different culture media. As a result of the growths occurring in the environment, 60% of S. aureusbacteria and 40% of other bacterial species were detected. Specimens contaminated with S. aureusbacteria showed high resistance to the antibiotic tobramycin (56.7%), and less resistance to Gentamaisin (30%) and Imikacin (10%). Bacterial isolators showed a negative effect on the endol reaction and a positive effect on the oxidis reaction in the filling culture medium. Next, two methods were applied to examine the ability of bacteria to form a thin biofilm. The first is the red congou medium method, which measures the ability of bacteria to form an adhesive layer. In the second method, micro-titer plate method (MTP) were used to measure the bacteria's ability to form the sticky layer. As a result, all insulators showed very low adhesive formation in the method using calibration cups.


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How to Cite

Obaid, H. A. E. (2023). Investigation of some physiological, biochemica characteristics and multiple antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from wound samples. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 3(3), 09–16. Retrieved from


