Biochemical characteristics of the hemp (Cannabis sativa) seed oil


  • Jide Alfred Olaseeni Department of Science Laboratory Technology (SLT), Chemistry Unit, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria
  • Osanyinlusi Remi Department of Science Laboratory Technology (SLT), Chemistry Unit, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria
  • Obajuluwa Motunrayo Esther Department of Science Laboratory Technology (SLT), Biochemistry Unit, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria


Cannabis sativa, hemp, phytochemical, smoke, flash, distillation


The Cannabis sativa seed (India hemp) used for this work were obtained in a farm land at Ogbese in Owo Local Government Area of Ondo State Nigeria. The seed were prepared for use by decorating, and milling and sun drying. A soxhlet 0.01%), acid value (9.75±0.025), saponification value (2.65±0.15 mg/g/KOH), peroxide value (85±0.01 mg/kg), iodine value (110.00±0.25 wij) and the yield percentage is 35/05% respectively. The extractor was used and hexane was used as solvent, which was recovered by simple distillation. The residue oil was investigated for physicochemical parameters, antimicrobial activities, and phytochemical screening. The results of the investigation show that, refractive index (1.47±0.03), specific gravity (1.45), PH (3.8±0.02), color (24 unit), smoke, flash and fire points (120, 210, 240-degree cencius) respectively. All these values were within the acceptable standard. The chemical parameters determined include free fatty acid (2.6±antibacterial activity evaluated were klebsiella pheumonia with zone of inhibition 0f 0.45±0.060mm, staphylococcus aeurus 0.55±0.01mm), streptococcus cereus 0.6±0.25mm, salmonella pypii 0.25±0.05 while E. colli were not susceptible to the oil. The phytochemical screening of the oil shows that phytate was highly present while oxalate, saponnin, flavonoid and steroids were moderately present; tannin and cyanogenic glycoside were slightly present while alkaloid was completely absent. The yield indicates that the Cannabis sativa seed oil is a good source of oil. Also, the assessment contains essential fatty acid needed in the body. Finally, the oil possesses some inhibitory characteristic.


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How to Cite

Olaseeni, J. A., Remi, O., & Esther, O. M. (2023). Biochemical characteristics of the hemp (Cannabis sativa) seed oil. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 3(1), 121–124. Retrieved from


