Policies and Guidelines
Peer Review and Publication Policy
The Journal of Applied Entomologist employs a rigorous peer review system. All submitted manuscripts undergo a peer-review process before publication.
The journal employs the double-blind peer review process, where both reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the review process.
Every proposal submitted for publication is read at least by an editor, for an initial review. If the paper agrees with editorial policies and with a minimum quality level, is sent to two reviewers. The reviewers won't know the author's identity, as any identifying information will be stripped from the document before review.
Reviewers' comments to the editors are confidential and before passing on to the author will be made anonymous. Based on the reviewers' comments, the Editorial Board makes a final decision on the acceptability of the manuscript, and communicates the author the decision, along with referees' reports. Whether significant revisions are proposed, or acceptance is dependent on whether the author can deal with those satisfactorily.
Publication Ethics
Authors Duties
Reporting Standards: Authors of original research reports should provide an accurate description of the work done as an objective discussion of its meaning. The underlying data must be correctly presented in the article. An article should have enough detail and references for others to copy the work. False or intentionally inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
Data Access and Retention: Authors are also asked to provide the information in reference to a paper for editorial review, and will be prepared to produce public access to such data, if feasible, and should, in any event, be prepared to retain such data for an affordable time after publication.
Originality and Plagiarism: The authors should make sure that they need to be written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted. Plagiarism takes many forms, from publishing another‘s paper because of the author‘s own paper, to copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another‘s paper (without acknowledgment), to claiming results from research conducted by others. Plagiarism all told its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication: An author shouldn't, generally, publish manuscripts describing essentially equivalent research in additional than one journal or primary publication. Submitting an equivalent manuscript to quite one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is intolerable. generally, an author shouldn't submit for consideration in another journal a previously published paper.
Acknowledgment of Sources: Proper acknowledgment of the work of others should tend. Authors should cite publications that are significant in determining the character of the reported work. Information obtained privately, such as through conversation, correspondence, or discussion with a third party, cannot be used or transmitted without the written permission of the source. Information obtained within the course of confidential services, like refereeing manuscripts or grant applications, must not be used without the specific written permission of the author of the work involved in these services.
Authorship of the Paper: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, implementation, or interpretation of the reported study; all who have made significant contributions should be included as co-authors; if there are others who have participated in certain content studies. Aspects of scientific research must be recognized or listed as contributors. The Corresponding Author must ensure that all eligible co-authors and non-inappropriate co-authors are included in the article, that all co-authors have viewed and approved the final version of the article, and accepted its submission for publication.
Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects: If the work involves chemicals, processes, or devices that pose unusual dangers with their use, the author must clearly identify these in the manuscript. If the work involves the use of animals or humans, the author must ensure that the manuscript includes a press release stating that each procedure has been carried out in accordance with relevant laws and institutional guidelines approved by acceptable institutional committees for publication within the manuscript indicating that consent to conduct experiments on humans has been obtained. of human subjects.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: All authors must disclose in their manuscript any financial or other conflicts of interest that could be construed to affect the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project must be disclosed.
Fundamental Errors in Published Works: If the author discovers/found a serious error or inaccuracy in their own published work, they must notify or mail the journal editor or publisher immediately and work with the editor to withdraw or correct the article. From a third party that a printed work contains a major error, it is a requirement of the author to quickly withdraw or correct the article, or to provide proof to the editor of the correction of the first article.
Editorial Board Duties
The Journal of Applied Entomologist follows guidelines based on existing Elsevier policies and COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
Publication Decisions: The editor of a peer-reviewed Journal of Applied Entomologist is in control of deciding that the articles submitted to the journal ought to be published. Confirmation of the study in question and its relevance to researchers and readers should make such decisions. The editor is additionally maneuvered by the policies of the journal editorial board and affected by such legal needs as shall then be in impact relating to libel, plagiarism, and infringement of copyright
Fair Play: The editor of a peer-reviewed journal should not be partial to matters such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.
Confidentiality: The editor and any editorial employees should not disclose any data of submitted manuscripts to anyone apart from the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, alternative editorial advisers, and also the publisher, as acceptable.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Any unpublished material disclosed during a submitted manuscript should not be used in an editor's own research without written permission from the manuscript author. Any inside information or ideas gained through the peer review are often kept strictly confidential and will not be used in any way.
Personal Benefit The editor must refrain from considering manuscripts in which they create a competitive conflict of interest (i.e. asking a co-editor, co-editor, or other members of the editorial board to submit a review and appearance), collaboration, or other relationships or associations with authors, companies or (possibly) institutions related to writing. Publishers should require all contributors to disclose relevant competing interests and post corrections if competing interests are disclosed after publication. be considered, such as a retraction or an expression of disgust.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides open access to all of its content, based on the principle that the publication of research promotes a wider global exchange of knowledge; This access is associated with a larger readership and a large number of cited works of the author. Check out the Public Knowledge Project, which has developed a system for improving the quality of scientific and social research and distributes the journal system and other software to support the publication of scientific sources in open access.
The research literature is freely available on the public Internet, allowing any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, use them as provided or used data send to the Software for any other lawful purpose without financial, legal or technical impediments other than those inherent in Internet access itself.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
From time to time an author may wish to retract a manuscript after it has been submitted.
It is the author's prerogative to change your mind. And an author can withdraw an article for free as long as they do so within 3 days of their original submission.
The journal carries out the whole process in a timely and punctual manner, so you also have to bear the costs and bear the expenses, e.g. B. the payment of reviewers and full-time fellows. of purchasing the service.
- The refund is full and the money will be returned to you if the work does not reach the verification stage.
- There are no refunds or debt relief once the work has been published.
- There will be no refund or debt relief if the work is removed due to copyright infringement claims.
- After the number/indexing has been published, the author cannot correct the article. If the author wants to correct the article after the number/indexing has been published, he will have to pay an additional charge according to the changes in the article.
- The refund will be made online mode in 10-15 working days.
- The incorrectly deposited money or the money from the additional deposit will be refunded within 03 weeks if the respective author informs us within 02 days of the deposit date.
Refunds or cancellations of debts will be made strictly according to the following guidelines if the author withdraws his article from consideration; or if you refuse to review and resubmit the manuscript after two business days.