About the Journal

Aim and Scope

Journal of Applied Entomologist is an international journal that provides a platform for research paper publishing.

It bridges the gap between pure academic research journals and more practical publications. So it covers the full range from research, and application development to experience reports and product descriptions.

Fields of interest include, but are not limited to:

Applied entomology, aquatic entomology, biological control, general entomology, insect behavior, insect biochemistry, acarology, apiculture, insect pathology, insect physiology, insect systematics, insect ecology, integrated pest management, insect genetics, insect morphology, insect toxicology, insecticide chemistry, medical and veterinary entomology, zoology, and more fields.

Publication Frequency

The publication frequency of the Journal of Applied Entomologist journal is Quarterly (4 issues/year).

Journal Archiving:

Dzarc publications are deposited in and available from multiple digital archives worldwide. To guarantee long-term digital preservation, content published in Dzarc journals is deposited in the CLOCKSS and LOCKSS archives.

Open Archives Initiative:

Journal of Applied Entomologist is registered with Open Archives and all article metadata is openly available for harvesting by indexing services via OAI-PMH. Via OAI-PMH, the journal is indexed and abstracted in OAI-supported abcGATE.  

Retraction of articles:

The Journal follows the COPE guidelines for the Retraction of articles: It Can be found at the following link:

Retraction guidelines | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics


Journal of Applied Entomologist

does check the plagiarism of each submitted paper and contains a strict on plagiarism, all the articles are scanned or reviewed before publication, and if the article is found plagiarized so we reject it at any stage of the processing, and can't publish it on any condition.

Authors are strictly not allowed to use the words, figures, matter, or ideas of others without attribution. all sources must be cited well in what they used or reused from others' research and reuse must be limited and not be attributed or quoted within the text.

The Journal of Applied Entomologist checks the plagiarism of submitted papers through the open-source software Viper.

Complaints Policy:

The Managing Team and staff of the Journal of Applied Entomologist

trying every effort to work on your complaint and solve the problem As far as possible, we will investigate complaints in a blame-free manner.

All complaints will be formally acknowledged within three working days. If possible a full response will be made within two weeks. If this is not possible, an interim response will be given within two weeks. Further interim responses will be provided until the complaint is resolved.

To complain, please feel free to contact us.


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